Rene Etter-Garrette
Denver, CO
Life is full of twists and turns, roadblocks and many surprises…
My life out West started with a fortuitous trip to Portland, OR to visit my brother. The week was filled with hikes above the Columbia River, drives along the beautiful Oregon coast and conversations about our goals in life. It was a taste of lifestyle (and some delicious brews) that sparked a change in direction on my road of life. After returning East to my office job, I initiated a plan to move to Portland, OR with my brother. One thing lead to another, and a few months later I pulled into his driveway, truck packed to the brim with skis, mountain bikes, and an array of outdoor gear. The move to Portland lasted one week, where after a couple microbrews, my brother and I decided to move to the mountains.
Thankfully, we chose Jackson - this amazing location at the foot of the Tetons. My life in Jackson has been filled with skiing big lines in the Tetons, climbing in the Winds or at City of Rocks, mountain biking all the amazing XC and downhill trails in the area, running through bear country, and most of all, enjoying the wonders of being alive.
Sometimes you stumble upon amazing, tranquil, beautiful places, not knowing they existed before you arrived. That is part of the intrigue and joy of life. You never know what is next or what surprises await you, as long as you’re willing to take on the unknown and be open to new experiences. I don't know what is next for me, but I can say that if I keep my eyes open and stay fluid, only good things await.