Five Notes of Stoke

The Give'r Team

A letter from Bubba:

With visions of turkey and tryptophan, football and family, and shopping extravaganzas and living room loungin’, I am most excited to take this moment to reflect upon all we, the Give’r Team, are grateful for…plus a few side orders of stoke-worthy milestones and shout outs to our most badass community.

This year has marked the 10th birthday for Give’r! What a journey it has been. It all started with a commemorative hat and a few of you who were curious enough to ask, “where did you get that hat and what does ‘give’r’ mean?!” The milestone has been worthy of ongoing celebration, high fives, and high kicks! Simultaneously, the anniversary has served as a source of fuel to the fire that burns within our crew beckoning us to dream bigger as we continue to grow, elevate, radiate positivity, and step up to see what we’re made of.

Give'r Crew playing cornhole at HQ2

We’re grateful to and excited for the team members who have followed their hearts to embark on new journeys, seeking new experiences and stretching out of their comfort zones in pursuit of further growth. Give’r wouldn’t be the same without them, and we are grateful for the heart and soul they’ve helped establish and reinforce as part of our team. We cheer you on and request only that whatever you do, you give’r 110%!

Give'r Crew waxing gloves at HQ2

If you haven’t heard the news of HQ2, well, saddle up and join us in hootin’ and hollering as we have officially expanded into Victor, Idaho! Our new facility, affectionately known as “HQ2,” opened its doors over the summer and has been feverishly accelerated into Give’r operations as we geared up for fall and winter. The already realized horsepower and potential is nothing shy of kick ass, and we’re just gettin’ warmed up.

The Give’r Team has transformed before our eyes this year as we’ve set our sights on some big dreams requiring many new faces and skill sets to bring all to life. We’re grateful to all who have joined the crew and hit the ground running - both on the ground here in Jackson and Victor as well as from a distance, remotely lifting up the Give’r team quite literally from coast to coast.

Worthy of special note, and the glue that has brought this righteous team together, was our first ever full-team Give’r Summit that took place at HQ2 this past September. I don’t have enough RAM on my TI-83 to count the number of times I’ve been blown away and/or proper fired up in meeting these rockstars. Not to mention witnessing their manifestation of what it means to give’r on this team. Game on, Give'r Crew!

And at the centerpiece of our gratitude? Well, that’s an easy one: you. Our Give’r community is the heartbeat, the soul, and the fuel that drives us each day, week, month, and year to push beyond “satisfactory." Just as you have chosen to give’r, we repeatedly choose to work our asses off to best serve, encourage, and deliver for you knowing that there is no spark too small to start a fire. As I said before, we’re just getting warmed up.

Sending each of you positive vibes, warm wishes, and our sincere gratitude from the snow-covered Tetons.

Be grateful, be bold, be gloved, and keep on given’r!

Bubba & The Give'r Team
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