Brian Houle

Tacoma, WA

Brian grew up hunting, fishing, and working behind his fathers drill rig on the prairies of North Dakota. Since the age of 16 he has been wondering and traveling the world in search of unique experiences. After he received a B.A. in Archaeology from Minnesota State University Moorhead he spent a number of years working extensively in the western U.S. and Alaska. At some point though Brian started climbing more than he was digging and decided to pursue guiding as career. This shift has taken him all over the world in the past decade, including climbing and guiding extensively in Thailand, China, Spain, Chile, Argentina, Alaska, Mongolia, Mexico, Bolivia, Russia, and beyond.

When not exploring and guiding all over the world Brian calls Tacoma, WA his home. Brian and his wife Katie are expecting their first child this fall, and he hopes to pass along this curiosity about the world and the places unexplored.