Cordell Bushey

Alma, Colorado (North Americas Highest Town)

It was cold. Probably -10 with the windchill. The wind was steady. When the wind wasn't blowing it was completely silent. I kept putting one foot in front of the other even though I was walking thru knee deep powder. The going was slow but I kept moving forward. Finally I reached the top of the hill and was able to stop and admire the frozen view of the world. I was in northern most Maine and had just completed my 1st back-country hike with my snowboard. Due to the extreme cold smarter folks probably wouldn't have gone out but it was the day I had and I really wanted a run in the fresh powder.

I admired the view then strapped into my board and glided off into a future of many many more back-country hikes and descents to follow. I was hooked and never looked back. That 1st hike gave me the confidence to always push to the top of the hill, ridge or mountain for that epic descent. I have also applied this to all outdoor pursuits whether it be going extra distance on bike trails or hiking further out for that great new fishing spot. I love being outside and firmly believe there are no bad days just bad gear!

My passion is now having my daughter fall in love with the outdoors in the way her parents do