Roger Whitney

Fort Worth, Texas
Howdy, I’m a Fort Worth resident who generally says YES to any proposed adventure. Logistics and explaining my “YESes” to my super spouse is always an adventure in itself. I embrace the Give-r lifestyle in virtually everything I do. Mountain biking, road cycling, backpacking, whitewater rafting, triathlon, running and countless other adventures I count as my passion. Seriously, how can you choose just one????
I live the Give’r life in my work as well. I'm a Financial Advisor, host of the award-winning Retirement Answer Man podcast, YouTube Host and author of the book Rock Retirement: A Simple Guide to Help You Take Control and be More Optimistic About the Future. We all should live the Give’r life, and I hope to inspire others through the work I do. Right now, I’m most excited about my trip in June 2018 to Mongolia. It is the first of many trips with my Give’r buddy, Rajib, to one of the least visited safe countries on the planet. Stay tuned for stories and epic photos.
Retirement Answer Man Podcast Link:
Youtube Channel Link:
Rock Retirement Book Link: