Steelhead Season


Each season brings about unique opportunities to Give'r.  Winter and snow bring skiing, sledding and snow men.  Spring and rain create intense flows on rivers allowing for some rad whitewater rafting.  Summer and sun provide the opportunity to swim, rock flip flops and enjoy the longest days of the year.  Fall and the change towards a colder season brings with it harvesting, hunting and of course...Steelhead Fishing!

As main bodies of water cool off (from oceans to great lakes), trout begin their migration into tributary streams for spawning.  Insert analogy: Think of it as a hundred thousand sports fans in any given city all coming together in a stadium to watch a game.  Only difference is, there are many more fish and "the game" lasts for much longer than 3-4 hours.  These conditions allow for once-in-a-lifetime catches and those moments we all love and cherish when angling.  These high energy river beauties will make you look silly more often than not, and there is always the chance of catching something HUGHge.  This stuff is awesome.  I am fortunate to have seen it all firsthand thanks to Give'r Athlete and Guest Designer, Ben Miller (pictured above).

Good luck to all you Steelhead fisherman out there...and if you can share this adventure with someone new to the game, I say Give'r!

-Hugh Bette


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